Jane Schmidt-Wilk

- Professor of Management
- Dean of Teaching and Learning
- Email Me
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Jane Schmidt-Wilk is Professor of Management, Dean of Teaching and Learning, and Director of the Center for Management Research at Maharishi International University. Her publications explore the role of the development of consciousness in business and management education.
Jane Schmidt-Wilk has taught courses in management and organizational behavior, qualitative research methods, communication skills, teaching, and academic writing. As Dean of Teaching and Learning, she develops faculty development programs in Consciousness-Based Education for MIU faculty. The students of MIU honored her for her teaching excellence with the Teacher Appreciation Award in 2005 and again in 2009.
Dr. Schmidt-Wilk was Editor of Management Teaching Review from 2015 to 2022. She served as Editor of the Journal of Management Education from 2005 to 2012 and serves on the editorial boards of several other academic journals in the field of management. She edited a special issue of the Journal of Social Behavior and Personality on the applications of Maharishi Vedic Science to developmental psychology, health and aging, business management, consciousness and peace studies, and public policy published in 2005 in honor of Dr. Charles N. Alexander.
Dr. Schmidt-Wilk is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors of the MOBTS Management and Organizational Behavior Teaching Society, a member of the Academy of Management, and a member of the Midwest Academy of Management. She has made numerous presentations at these and other professional conferences. She and her husband Martin Schmidt live in Fairfield, where he is the Reference Librarian of the MIU Library.
- Professor of Management
- Director, Center for Management Research
- Dean of Teaching and Learning
- PhD, Maharishi International University
- MBA, Maharishi International University
- BA, Oberlin College
Selected Publications
- Herriott, E., Schmidt-Wilk, J. and Heaton, D. (2009). Spiritual dimensions of entrepreneurship in Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program practitioners. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 6, 195-208.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J. and Fukami, C. (2010). Relevance With Rigor: Stories From the Journal of Management Education. In C. Wankel and R. DeFillippi (Eds.) Being and Becoming a Management Education Scholar, the. seventh volume in the Research in Management Education and Development series. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Heaton, D. & Schmidt-Wilk, J. (2008). Leadership Development through Development of Consciousness. In G. Biberman and L. Tischler (Eds.). Spirituality in Business: Theory Practice and Future Direction (pp. 125–140). London and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Broome, R., Orme-Johnson, D. W., & Schmidt-Wilk. J. (2005). Worksite stress reduction through the Transcendental Meditation program. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17(1), 235–276.
- Heaton, D.P., Schmidt-Wilk, J., & Travis. F. (2004). Constructs, Methods, and Measures for Researching Spirituality in Organizations. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Special issue on Researching Spirituality in Organizations, 17(1), 62–82.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J. (2003). TQM and the Transcendental Meditation program in a Swedish top management team. The TQM Magazine, 15, 4, 219-229.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J. (2000). Consciousness-Based Management Development: Case Studies of International Top Management Teams. Journal of Transnational Management Development, 5(3), 61-85.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J., Heaton, D. P., & Steingard. D. (2000). Higher Education for Higher Consciousness: Maharishi International University as a Model for Spirituality in Management Education. Journal of Management Education, Special Issue on Spirituality in Contemporary Work: Its Place, Space, and Role in Management Education, 25 (5), 580-611.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J., Alexander, C. N., & Swanson, G. C. (1996). Developing Consciousness in Organizations: The Transcendental Meditation program in Business. Journal of Business & Psychology, 10, (4), 429-444.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J., Alexander, C. N., & Swanson, G. C. (1995). Introduction of the Transcendental Meditation program in a Norwegian Top Management Team. In B. Glaser, (Ed.), Grounded Theory: 1984–1994, (pp. 563–150; 587). Mill Valley: CA: Sociology Press.
- Schmidt-Wilk, J. & Swanson, G. C. (1993). Creating a Learning Organization by Developing the Learner. Proceedings of the Midwest Division, Academy of Management, Indianapolis, IN. (36th Annual Meeting) April 15-17. pp. 119-120.