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BA in Creative Writingon-campus

Write more with less stress

Our program is founded on the idea that creativity is not meant to be a struggle, but instead a fun and rewarding process.

At MIU, you’ll take only one full-time class a month, giving you the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the knowledge without the stress of balancing multiple courses and exams.

In every class, we offer our students tools and techniques to awaken creativity in authentic ways that deeply engage mind, heart, and soul.

Let elevated consciousness fuel your creativity

As an MIU student, you’ll practice the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique daily. TM practice has been scientifically proven to enhance brain functioning, increase creativity, and lower stress.

Connecting to your innermost self through the TM technique puts you in touch with your authentic voice and allows for a deeper and richer writing experience.

Get started by contacting Adriene

Adriene Crimson, admissions counselorAdriene Crimson is this program’s admissions counselor for US students. Adriene will provide you with all the details of becoming a student, including connecting you with the program director or faculty.

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Receive individual attention

Our faculty will help you to build upon your natural writing strengths and create a sustainable writing routine.

Our low student-to-faculty ratio means that your teachers have the time to fully support your creative endeavors and help you to become the best writer that you can be.

Prepare for a career in writing

Working with MIU Career Services, we’ll connect you with professional networks and life experiences to support your writing goals and dreams. By pursuing opportunities such as teaching assistantships, internships, and work-based learning, you can explore the range of options available post-graduation and begin to discover your place in the writing life.

Become a part of a writing community

Every MIU student has the opportunity to connect with the thriving writing community of Fairfield, Iowa—home to slam poetry shows, literary journals, and local writing collectives and classes, as well as individuals from all over the world who will support you on your creative journey.

Featured courses

Little Writing, BIG PLAY: Haiku & Creative Intelligence

Haiku are small but mighty poems. They can encapsulate the extraordinary and the mundane in three simple lines–the black bead of a bluejay’s eye peering through snow or the cacophony of car horns and jackhammers on a city street. Haiku offer inexperienced and experienced writers alike an opportunity to play with language and expand the way they view the world. In this course, students will study the 16 principles of the Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) through the practice of haiku and by reading the work of Basho, Issa, Buson, and Shiki, as well as excerpts from Natalie Goldberg’s Three Simple Lines: a Writer’s Pilgrimage into the Heart. The course will culminate in the creation of individual chapbooks featuring students’ haiku and original artwork.

Discovering Your Creative Process

The purpose of this class is to break boundaries and rediscover an easy relationship with the inner Muse. You’ll study your own creative process as well as what other artists, writers, and filmmakers have shared about creative inspiration. You’ll also hear from a variety of guest lecturers working in different media and discuss their work, career paths, and creative process.

The Hero in Literature

This course will explore the idea of the hero from antiquity to the present. The hero is a larger than life character whose actions affect the fate of a large community for good, or if a tragic hero, for ill. The hero’s behavior is a model for the ordinary individual. One of the great debates is whether the hero can even exist in the modern world. Among the texts and themes we will follow are: The Odyssey (the Classical Hero), Beowulf (the Germanic Hero), Gawain and the Green Knight (the Medieval Hero), Siddhartha (the Spiritual Hero), and The Bean Trees (the Feminine Hero).

Degree requirements

A minimum of 128 credits (semester hours) is required for students to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. This may include up to 90 transfer credits.

Undergraduate degree students can apply transfer credits to cover electives, some general education requirements, and up to half the course work in the major, for a maximum of 90 total credits. General transfer credits are accepted for courses completed with a grade of “C” or higher.

Only two courses are required of all undergraduate students

    This course is your entryway into MIU and Consciousness-BasedSM education. We dive into an ancient yet radically new framework for understanding the universe and our place in it. This model holds that consciousness, not matter, is fundamental. With this in mind, we look at some of life’s big questions: How can we develop our fullest potential as human beings? How do art and stories help us understand that potential? How can our own growth help create a more just and peaceful society? What do the world’s great wisdom traditions have in common? How can we improve education and healthcare? The new paradigm we explore in this course infuses all your classes at MIU. In this course, you'll learn the Transcendental Meditation® technique to awaken the full potential of consciousness in your life. Comments from students
    • “I truly had a significant experience every single day in class.”
    • “I’m hesitant to even call it a class; it felt more like a philosophical playground. Not only do I feel like the course has primed me well for the rest of my time at MIU, I feel that the information covered in class will be extremely relevant for the rest of my life.”
    • “It was easily digestible, deeply engaging (edge of my seat in pure focus many days), and incredibly enjoyable.”
    Writing is a crucial skill not only for college but for life. Students are required to complete at least one writing course; a second writing course may be required depending on an entering student's skill level.

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Featured faculty

Leah Waller

Leah Waller

Leah Waller

Leah Waller is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and the director of the BA and BFA in Creative Writing.

Leah’s work has been published in literary journals, magazines, newspapers, and anthologies. Her book Under the Cedar Tree had a soaring debut in Amazon’s top ten bestseller list for poetry and continues to be a popular favorite among reading circles.

Leah received her bachelor’s degree in literature and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Northern Arizona University. At NAU, Leah worked as the Assistant Managing Editor for Thin Air Magazine and an instructor of composition writing.

All Department Faculty

Cost & Aid, 2025-26

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