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BA in Consciousness & Human Potentialonline or on-campus

The BA in Consciousness & Human Potential integrates personal experience, philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and ancient wisdom.

Our goal for every student is enlightenment — the systematic development of full potential from within. This is the key to true fulfillment in daily life and any career.

What you’ll study

  • The philosophy of Yoga, as explained by Maharishi in the Bhagavad Gita and by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and how it enhances your life
  • How to accelerate personal growth through the Transcendental Meditation® technique, yoga asanas, retreats, and other practical approaches
  • The latest scientific research on brain functioning and how meditation leads to clearer thinking
  • Strategies for social transformation leading to a more peaceful world
  • Examine modern perspectives on consciousness in the light of Maharishi Vedic Science

Get started by contacting Jess

Jess Nohle, admissions counselorJess Nohle is this program’s admissions counselor for US students. Jess will provide you with all the details of becoming a student, including connecting you with the program director or faculty.

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Dive within

student meditatingAs a student, you’ll learn the Transcendental Meditation (TM®) technique. This effortless, evidence-based technique has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, improve health, and help the brain to function optimally, enhancing clear thinking and heightening creativity.

Students majoring in CHP practice the TM technique daily to integrate the knowledge they’re studying with their direct experience, offering a practical understanding to the concepts they’re exploring in class.

Comments from alumni

Keil Dean

Keli Dean, Psychotherapist, class of 2014

Keil Dean

“This program helped prepare me to sit with others in psychotherapeutic work and have empathy and compassion for the human condition while staying attuned to my Self.”

Vinodthan Nayagar

Vinodthan Nayagar, Sr. Technical Account Manager, class of 2011

Vinodthan Nayagar

“My degree brings to light a clearer, more positive mindset at work. I’ve been able to make good decisions which have led to me being promoted multiple times.”

Lilith Shoemaker

Lilith Shoemaker, Public Relations Program Manager, class of 2016

Lilith Shoemaker

“It gave me an understanding of how best to put my passions to work for me. I’m more capable of understanding what it is I love to do, and not settling for a job that doesn’t fulfill me.”

Asher Fergusson

Asher Fergusson, CEO,, Class of 2008

Asher Fergusson

“By using my Vedic understanding of consciousness I am able to turn abstract business ideas into actionable concrete realities that help me expand my business.”

Research Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition

Fred Travis mentoring studentDr. Fred Travis, Department Chair and Director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition is the author of over 80 published papers in:

  • Psychophysiological correlates of higher states of consciousness
  • Investigation into the brain patterns of world-class performers
  • Effects of the Transcendental Meditation practice on child development
  • Effects of the Transcendental Meditation practice on promoting healthy aging

“As a CHP major, you will learn how EEG research can be used to test theoretical concepts and give insight into your own questions about the inner working of the brain while meditating, performing cognitive tasks, listening to sounds, etc.”

Featured faculty

Keith Wegman

Keith Wegman

Keith Wegman

Keith Wegman received his PhD in Maharishi Vedic Science from Maharishi International University in 2004, his MA in Science of Creative Intelligence from Maharishi International University in 1993, and BA in Philosophy/Art from St. Olaf College in 1991.

Dr. Wegman has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate level courses in Sanskrit and Maharishi Vedic Science and has researched and lectured in these subjects both nationally and internationally over the last 25 years. He is also a Certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation and is the Director of TM instruction at the Raj Ayurveda Health Spa. He lives in Fairfield, Iowa with his wife Sankari and two children Jayanta and Uma.

All Department Faculty

Featured courses


Inner State of Yoga for Fulfillment in Life


The course on Yoga philosophy explores the deepest understanding and experience of Yoga as the silent inner Self of each of us. It also considers different types of Yoga – such as Ashtanga Yoga, Karma Yoga, Gyana Yoga – in light of this understanding.


EEG, Brain, and Enlightenment


Learn to measure how meditation, juggling, and listening to music change your brain waves (EEG) and heart rate – then conduct your own study.

tom egenes teaching

Dharma: Insights from Maharishi’s Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gītā

tom egenes teaching

The Bhagavad-Gītā, a dialogue in Sanskrit between Krishṇa and Arjuna on the battlefield, includes surprisingly current discussions about Dharma, devotion, Yoga, desire, Karma, happiness, Self, right action, and many other absorbing topics.

meditating outdoors

Personal Growth of Consciousness

meditating outdoors

This course works to unfold each student’s full potential through greater clarity of transcendence in meditation. Several practical approaches are applied including a retreat, healthy daily routine, yoga asanas, media dieting, and exercise techniques.

Class schedule for online undergraduate degree programs

Degree requirements

A minimum of 128 credits (semester hours) is required for students to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. This may include up to 90 transfer credits.

Undergraduate degree students can apply transfer credits to cover electives, some general education requirements, and up to half the course work in the major, for a maximum of 90 total credits. General transfer credits are accepted for courses completed with a grade of “C” or higher.

Only two courses are required of all undergraduate students

    This course is your entryway into MIU and Consciousness-BasedSM education. We dive into an ancient yet radically new framework for understanding the universe and our place in it. This model holds that consciousness, not matter, is fundamental. With this in mind, we look at some of life’s big questions: How can we develop our fullest potential as human beings? How do art and stories help us understand that potential? How can our own growth help create a more just and peaceful society? What do the world’s great wisdom traditions have in common? How can we improve education and healthcare? The new paradigm we explore in this course infuses all your classes at MIU. In this course, you'll learn the Transcendental Meditation® technique to awaken the full potential of consciousness in your life. Comments from students
    • “I truly had a significant experience every single day in class.”
    • “I’m hesitant to even call it a class; it felt more like a philosophical playground. Not only do I feel like the course has primed me well for the rest of my time at MIU, I feel that the information covered in class will be extremely relevant for the rest of my life.”
    • “It was easily digestible, deeply engaging (edge of my seat in pure focus many days), and incredibly enjoyable.”
    Writing is a crucial skill not only for college but for life. Students are required to complete at least one writing course; a second writing course may be required depending on an entering student's skill level.

Cost & Aid, 2025-26

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