Consciousness, Food, Physiology, and the Environment
Maharishi’s universal insights into the lively intelligence of nature with Dr. John Konhaus
“After taking this course, I feel like I own my personal relationship with nature more fully.” —PH
“Magnificent experience! I never really understood or appreciated the depth and breadth of agriculture — and especially Vedic agriculture — before this course.” —FC More reviews >
Already signed up? Summer 2024 Course >
Course Dates: An online self-study course
Course Structure: Each part consists of approximately 14 hours of online videos and access to online course materials. The course videos will be available to view for one year.
► View the Free Introductory Zoom Session from Sunday, June 2
Worldwide Times: 11:00 am EDT | 10:00 am CDT | 9:00 am MDT | 8:00 am PDT | 5:00 am HST | 4:00 pm UK | 5:00 pm CEST / SAST | 6:00 pm EEST / MSK |(Next Day) 3:00 am NZST
Course Instructor: Dr. John Konhaus, who worked personally with Maharishi on Vedic Agriculture and Environmental Management for over ten years, as Maharishi revived and developed this knowledge from its ancient roots.
Prerequisites: This course is open to all TM Meditators, Sidhas and TM Teachers.
Course Fee:
- $125 general tuition fee
- $75 discounted course fee for full-time students, full-time TM organization staff, and low-income retirees.
- Some countries might have a discounted course fee of $35 or $65. To find out about your country, please check the list in the sign-up form.
Course Description
In this critical time for food purity and environmental sustainability, it is essential to re-balance, harmonize, and support our natural systems, and the human interactions with those systems.
This course on Consciousness, Food, Physiology, and the Environment allows participants the opportunity to understand and experience the dynamic and interactive relationship between our own consciousness, feelings, thoughts, and perceptions, and the consciousness and lively intelligence of our environment.
Topics for Parts One and Two include:
- Consciousness-BasedSM Approach to Food Production and Environmental Sustainability: Principles and practices
- Structure of Nature: Explored from both modern and traditional perspectives
- Expressions of Intelligence in Nature: An in-depth study including plant awareness, communication, and behavior
- System Dynamics: How they operate in natural environments
- Techniques for Waking up Nature’s intelligence, within ourselves and the environment
- Pure, Vital Food: The role it plays in our creativity and intelligence, in our personal development, and in our health and success
Topics for Part Three include:
- Evolving Food Production from Chemical-Based, to Organic, to Maharishi Vedic Organic
- Making Sure It’s Pure — the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Standards and Certification Program
- Maharishi’s Vision for Global Agriculture in a Sustainable Environment: From Micro to Macro
- The Next Step: Applying the knowledge gained to our own personal lives and activities, to our communities, countries, and throughout the world to create true global sustainability
All classes can be viewed for up to one year. You can email with questions.
(The Consciousness, Food, Physiology and Environment course consists of three Parts. The course will be taken as a continuous course.)
PART ONE: Ensouling the Environment

Re-Uniting Man and Nature from their Common Source in Consciousness – Understanding and Experiencing the Dynamics of Consciousness in Our Environment
PART TWO: Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and Environmental Relationships

Awakening a New Paradigm in Food Production and Environmental Sustainability through Consciousness-Based, Regenerative Agriculture
PART THREE: The Life-Changing Role of Food in Our Lives

Pure, Vital, Intelligent Food as a Means of Developing Full Human Potential — Vedic Food for Vedic Consciousness
Course Leader

John Konhaus is a Professor of Vedic Science and Vedic Agriculture at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) and Visiting Professor at Maharishi International University (MIU). Professor Konhaus worked personally with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for 40 years in all aspects of the development of Maharishi’s Vedic Science, with a special emphasis on research and development of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture (MVOA) and Environmental Relationships.
He is the founding Chairman of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute, United States, India, and Australia, and has developed the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Standards and Quality Assurance Protocols.
Professor Konhaus is a Board Member of Maharishi Global Country of World Peace, and the Chairman of the Maharishi Foundation for the countries of Egypt, Hungary, Jamaica, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.
He has extensively read and researched all 40 branches of Veda and Vedic Literature in the Vedic and English languages.
Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture (MVOA) Directors and Project Managers
This unique course on Consciousness, Food, Physiology, and the Environment has been designed as a foundational training course, offering Maharishi’s complete knowledge and technologies on Vedic Agriculture and Environmental Relationships to the directors and project managers of these programs in every nation.
Graduates of this course who complete all the coursework for Continuing Education credit may apply to represent the Global Country of World Peace, Ministry of Agriculture, and the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute in their countries, to teach courses and manage projects on Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture and Environmental Relationships.
Please note that most people will be enjoying this course as a noncredit/non-certificate course where all homework is completely optional. However, for those who want a certificate, feel free to hand in the homework assignments and request the certificate when you complete the course.
“My perception of plants and the environment has completely changed and the flow on from this expanded awareness has led to greater joy and fulfillment in all areas of my life.” —GN
“After taking this course, I feel like I own my personal relationship with nature more fully.” —PH
“Magnificent experience! I never really understood or appreciated the depth and breadth of agriculture — and especially Vedic agriculture — before this course.” —FC
“A great deal of time and attention was given to the Konhauses by Maharishi and it shows in their own devotion towards creating the production of pure food.” —EW
“Inspiring! Love to have the CDs for gardens!” —LA
“I loved the course. It was one of the best, most fulfilling continuing education courses I have taken… I felt a greater personal connection to my environment, to nature, and to Total Natural Law.” —DB
“Provides lots of insights on the latest research on plants, and explains how — by working with nature — we will obtain far greater nutritional and medicinal value from plants.” —Anon
“This course beautifully harmonizes modern and Vedic views on the mechanics of nature and offers practical insight in how to apply in daily life.” —AB
“My awareness of the true sacredness of agriculture has taken a quantum leap.” —FC
“Absolutely beautiful!” —Anon
“Weaves story, sound, and deeply profound wisdom.” —AB
Are there any prerequisites to take this course?
This is an advanced course for TM Teachers, Sidhas, and those Meditators who have a familiarity and comfort with many of the terms and concepts used in Maharishi Vedic Science.
How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for one year after signing up or after they are posted, whichever is longer.
Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).
What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests them before viewing the third video for each Part.