Maharishi’s Total Knowledge and World Peace
Maharishi’s Two-Part Master Class on World Peace!

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
This is the second part of a two-part course which can be taken in any order. The areas discussed in the first part were: Education; Health; Agriculture; Architecture; Science and Technology; and Invincible Defense.
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Course Structure: This is an online self-study course consisting of 12 lessons, which may be viewed on the course webpage at your convenience. Course videos and materials are available to view for one year after signing up.
► Click here to view Lesson One.
Course Leader: Peter Warburton, PhD
Course Fee:
- $125 general course fee
- $75 discounted course fee for full-time students, TM organization staff & faculty, and low-income retirees.
- Some countries might have a discounted course fee of $35 or $65. To find out about your country, please check the list in the sign-up form.
Prerequisites: The only requirement for taking the course is a keen interest in creating a new world of peace and harmony.
Course Description

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In February and March 2006, Maharishi offered an extraordinary and unique conference, called the Parliament of World Peace, in which he gave talks laying out the fundamentals of world peace from within twelve main areas of life.
We are fortunate that Dr. Peter Warburton will guide us through these very special talks, in which Maharishi presented his ultimate and supreme insights into each area from the level of Total Knowledge. The course will include Dr. Warburton’s usual delightful and engaging mix of Maharishi’s talks, comments, and questions from course participants; charts; and exercises.
Here is a sample of Maharishi’s insights into the six areas which will be covered in this course:
- Trade, Commerce, and Communication: “All the glory of communication through computer science is completely acceptable. But admiring that does not mean ignoring a more valuable level of knowledge in the field of action, which is Vedic Communication, Vedic Trade.”
- Law and Order: “Body is life and mind is life. Intellect is life. Ego is life. Atma is life. All these are different aspects of life. All these together have to be lived in perfect order, so that Law and Order is never out of one’s basic reality.”
- Art and Music: “We are inaugurating today the essential quality of the unmanifest field of life in its process of manifestation. The bliss is in the waves – waves of Being becoming. This is the seat of supreme Art and Music.”
- Culture and Religion: “Religion is a safe guide in order to maintain the forward march of the individual to its ultimate level of cosmic structure. Culture – the source of all nourishment – is the source of the path to supreme level of achievement, path to God.”
- Administration: “I am opening today that mechanics of administration which handles the infinite diversity of the galactic universe to move on and on in perfect order, in perfect unity, for the entire universe to continue evolving.”
- Economy: “Birth as a human being is good enough to be the master of one’s situations and circumstances. Man is not born to be a slave of anyone. Man is born to be the master of creation.”
A special certificate will be issued for those who complete both parts of the course, and will include 3 official Continuing Education credits.
Course Leader

Dr. Peter Warburton
Peter Warburton, PhD
Dr. Peter Warburton currently oversees the Transcendental Meditation® organization in several countries, including the UK, Bulgaria, UAE, and Zambia. He has a Master’s Degree in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge University and a doctorate in Supreme Political Science from Maharishi University of World Peace.
Dr. Warburton worked closely with Maharishi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique, for 36 years. Maharishi personally trained Dr. Warburton to offer courses in Total Knowledge, which present the full range of Maharishi’s knowledge in a delightful manner that requires no special prerequisite other than practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.
In more normal times, Dr. Warburton travels extensively to teach Maharishi’s Total Knowledge in many parts of the globe. These courses are in great demand internationally – from Australasia, to Asia, Europe, and North America.
Reviews from the Previous Course on World Peace with Dr. Peter Warburton
“What Maharishi said then is so relevant to today’s situation.” —CB
“With your beautiful memories from the time we were directly with Maharishi-ji, you have stirred a lot of memories, and with your wonderful way of explaining the details of Maharishi expressing total knowledge — bringing out the most fascinating sides and sometimes really hidden, underlying meaning — you have illumined my mind and memory. For this I like to thank you manyfold.” —RS
“What prophetic words from Maharishi.” —SL
“(During meditation it) felt like falling in an infinite void of bliss.” —AM
“These courses introduced by Raja Peter are a great blessing.” —DE
“So grateful for the unity and learning. Thanks much to all.” —MC
“I return for more joy!” —BH
“Thank you Raja Peter, yes, your courses keep us in the bliss! Beautiful knowledge and discussion.” —JS
“Awesome!!” —SH
“Gain clarity & confidence in mechanics of achieving World Peace “now”. —PN
“It’s a much needed practical and holistic way of creating a new world with more love and light.” —US
“Maharishi’s Total Knowledge Course taught by Raja Peter presents the original lecture by Maharishi, captures and presents many of the profound points through transcript, and then engages everyone in a lively discussion. It is a brilliant course structure. And it is a wonderful way to feel connected to the depth of Maharishi’s insights. Raja Peter is a brilliant course leader.” —WF
“Powerful knowledge for gaining sustainable happiness and blissful everyday life.Maharishi’s teachings of essential quality of the unmanifest field of life in its process of manifestation in all fields. Explanation and introducing with the key factors for gaining sustainable blissful life for everyone and creating Heaven on Earth.” —DZ
“The course explains how from the level of Being, Total Knowledge, in its parts and disciplines made manifest in the relative, practiced by individuals, made perfect in the Absolute, bring about and maintain World Peace.” —DD
“Each class is like dipping my bucket into the well, being nourished by fresh well water and sharing its coherence with others during a time when such water is difficult to find.” —JL
“This will be a life-changer course. It is Maharishi at his most outspoken best.” —SV
“What do you want from a course that fits this description? Hear Maharishi lay out how what you yourself are is the basis of everything in creation. Hear stories of the amazing experiences of being around Maharishi when he revealed this knowledge and took direct steps to tell the world about it. Or just sit back and listen to people enjoy Total Knowledge, all the above are part of the course.” —JW
“Perfect for learning, realizing how world peace is deeply connected to every area of everyday life.” —SL
“The course expands your mind beyond all boundaries.” —JR
“Wonderful course … it really helps to develop an understanding of what enlightenment is in daily living and how to develop it.” —MA
“How could it be possible that Maharishi is diving even deeper into TK with us? In all times on earth there never was such a clear description of the mechanics of consciousness. And as knowing is doing this knowledge structures the highest states of consciousness in us. Fasten your seatbelt!” —GH
“The Will of God is not complicated, peace love and happiness for all God’s creation.” —LM
“Floating in bliss and knowledge.” —GK
“Perfect course – for perfect people – on the path to perfection” —GJ
“Like all the other Total Knowledge courses, this one goes deeply into Maharishi’s thinking and illuminates the utter simplicity in all of the huge complexity of the knowledge of the Vedic tradition that Maharishi gave us. These courses have become a staple in the lives of so many of us who are taking them. I wouldn’t say they are addictive because that has a bad connotation, but I would say that they encourage good habits!” —VM
“If you want to deepen your knowledge and experience this course has tremendous value.” —AA
Are there any prerequisites to take this course?
This is an advanced course for TM Teachers and graduates of the TM-Sidhi® course, plus those Meditators who have a familiarity and comfort with many of the terms and concepts used in Maharishi’s Total Knowledge.
How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for at least one year after signing up.
Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).
What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests them before starting the third class.