Yoga Philosophy in the Light of Maharishi Vedic Science — Online Course

MVS 529
∗ This course is offered for credit only
Spring 2019
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Start & End dates: April 15 – June 20 (10 weeks) Current Schedules
Tuition fee: $2000 ($500×4 credits)
∗ Registration will end on April 15
∗ Prerequisite: The practice of the Transcendental Meditation program is required for this course
Yoga, the Sanskrit word for Union, which has its origins in the ancient Vedic tradition of knowledge can be understood as a path involving a practice and as a goal—the state of Union that can be reached to bring fulfillment to individual life. Over time, that knowledge has been lost through misunderstandings that have emerged in modern interpretations of Yoga Philosophy. This has necessitated a revival of knowledge, as undertaken by Maharishi, so that all may derive maximum benefit in enhancing their lives.
In this course, we will explore how the correct understanding of the principles of Yoga philosophy, as interpreted and explained by Maharishi, can reinvigorate its practical value for modern life—restore balance and bring greater happiness and harmony.
∗ Weekly webinars on Thursdays at 7:30 PM CDT
∗ Instructor Viji Hobbs
Course Structure
This course consists of 10 lessons
This course consists of 10 lessons, which includes video lectures by Maharishi, readings from Maharishi’s books and others, writings, and discussions forums and weekly webinars*. For those taking the course for credit, there will be academic work appropriate for a Master’s program, including essays and a final paper. Each lesson has 2 or 3 videos totaling on average an hour and a half viewing time.
The goal of the course is to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of Yoga Philosophy as understood in Maharishi Vedic Science and learn how to express it in writing in an academic context. Course participants will read Maharishi’s Yoga, along with excerpts from Maharishi’s Commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita, from Science and Being and Art of Living, and writings from other scholars of Maharishi Vedic Science.
In this course, the different topics covered in readings and video lectures by Maharishi include:
- The revival of the knowledge of the fundamental basis of Yoga
- Distinguishing between the experience of the path of Yoga and the state of Yoga
- Yoga for holistic development of mind and body
- Understanding how enlivening Dharma applies to our lives
- Experiencing Yoga in higher states of consciousness
- The techniques that accelerate development of the state of Yoga for individual and world peace
- Understanding Maharishi’s unique perspective on Yoga philosophy through the prevailing misunderstandings
- Understanding Maharishi’s perspective on the different systems of Yoga, such as Karma Yoga, Gyan Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Kriya Yoga
- Yoga as expressed in the human physiology
- The fulfillment of Yoga in Unity Consciousness
The course will also focus on developing your ability to convey in a final paper the profound principles in an academic context, that is, simply, logically, and clearly, while simultaneously communicating it comprehensively to a non-meditating audience.
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