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Maharishi Yoga Asanas

Watch the webinar about Maharishi Yoga Asanas, 38 minutes

Watch the webinar about Maharishi Yoga Asanas, 38 minutes

“With each asana, I move to a gentle stretch, hold, feel the stretch loosen and bliss flows through and around my whole body.”

The specialty and effectiveness of Maharishi YogaSM asanas are that the practice requires no effort or strain. You go into a pose only until you feel a gentle stretch, and no further. Gradually, with continued practice, you become more and more flexible and can go farther into the pose with great ease.

In a research study published in the International Journal of Yoga, Maharishi Yoga Asanas were found to produce a “significant increase in happiness during the day and significant improvements in (1) sense of personal self, (2) transpersonal qualities, and (3) transpersonal self.”

In this webinar, you’ll also learn pranayama, a simple breathing technique that has been found in multiple studies to have a calming effect on mind and body.

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