Maharishi on Vedānt: Lively Absolute—Living Wholeness, I-ness or Being
Tat tu samanvayāt
That (Brahm) is through unification.
—Brahma Sutra 1.1.4
This is an online self-study course. It consists of eight 75-minute lessons. These videos will be available to view at your convenience for one year.
Course Leader: Dr. Bevan Morris
Course Fee: $95 There is a discounted rate of $65 for MIU students, staff, faculty, full-time Governors, Maharishi School staff and faculty, and anyone who is retired or disabled and cannot otherwise afford the course.
Sign Up Now! Already signed up? Click here.
Course Description
Maharishi’s Master, Guru Dev, was lauded as Vedānt Incarnate by the President of India, and Maharishi, in attuning his mind and heart to Guru Dev, quickly rose to that fully enlightened state of life.
Over the years, Maharishi revealed the reality of living Vedānt in Brahmi Chetana—Aham Brahmasmi, I Am Totality—in his teaching to the world. From the moment he began to speak in Kerala, India, in 1955, he spoke the ultimate reality. Through the years he unfolded it in his expressions of Total Knowledge and in his writings. And through the applied value of this supreme knowledge, he created a bright future for the world.
The course is highlighted with talks by Maharishi, and readings range from Maharishi’s Beacon Light of the Himalayas to Constitution of India Fulfilled through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation, which contains in the footnotes the most advanced and rich expressions of Vedānt ever published.

Dr. Bevan Morris
Dr. Bevan Morris is currently International President for Maharishi Universities of Management and President Emeritus of Maharishi International University. He worked with Maharishi for more than 38 years since becoming a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation® technique in India in 1969.
He is also Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace and Chair of the Board of Directors, Brahmananda Saraswati Foundation (USA).
Dr. Morris received an MA and BA in Psychology and Philosophy from Cambridge University (England) and MSCI, DSCI from Maharishi European Research University.
“Bevan has done a brilliant job with this course. I hope he will do more.”
“Dr Bevan Morris has, as always, proven himself an accurate and pure conduit for Maharishi’s Pure Knowledge.”
“Every lesson is filled to overflowing with the reality of Vedanta – one can enjoy again Maharishi lectures from past years which now, seen in the light of this course, provide deeper insights into Vedanta.”
“Thrilling to see the beautiful charts personally drawn by Maharishi to illustrate his own cognitions of Veda.”
“Taking this course has enriched my experience more than I can say, it has shone a new light on an aspect of my personal experience which was there but not yet recognised – now it has a fresher, deeper meaning.”
“Very inspiring!”
“Uniquely and very well presented. I learned new things and saw many things in a new light.”
Sign Up Now! Already signed up? Click here.
Are there any prerequisites to take this course?
The prerequisite is completion of the TM-Sidhi® course.
How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for at least one year after signing up.
Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).
What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests them before starting the third lesson.