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Certificate in Regenerative Organic Agricultureonline or on-campus

Regenerative organic agriculture: feed the future

Explore the development of food production systems that are ecologically sound, economically viable, and promote the well-being and nourishment of local communities.

In our certificate program, students will learn and implement regenerative practices under the guidance of our highly experienced faculty and staff. Concepts learned and practiced through our program can be adopted and implemented on any agricultural operation to increase yields, enhance soil and plant health, and reduce operating costs.

Watch the webinar about regenerative organic agriculture, 20 seconds long

What you’ll learn

  • Introduction to Regenerative Agriculture
  • How to manage the biology of soils
  • How to solve soil and crop problems with organic methods
  • Introduction to the science of horticulture
  • How to design a farm operation

You have three ways to complete your certificate: 1) online (5 months) 2) online + 1 month on-campus, for US students 3) Field-Training Certificate, on-campus (9 months)

Connect with nature and be a part of the solution

Our curriculum includes a combination of scientific research, philosophical inquiry, and optional hands-on field experience for US students at our certified organic farm to facilitate the development of the whole individual and synthesize the head, heart, and hands of our students. We focus on creating a learning environment that leverages interaction, observation, and critical thinking skills to generate an honest dialogue about how we can coexist with the natural world.

Your career in regenerative agriculture

MIU’s Certificate in Regenerative Organic Agriculture will support your career opportunities with all agribusiness and food companies as they evolve their management and investment in this new frontier. There are also career opportunities working to certify production of crops and animals using methods that are regenerative and organic.

Get started by contacting Sunita

Sunita Martin, admissions counselorSunita Martin is this program’s admissions counselor for US students. Sunita will provide you with all the details of becoming a student, including connecting you with the program director or faculty.

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International applicants may connect with us through our international inquiry form.

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A rapidly growing field

Regenerative organic agriculture is a rapidly growing market, in the US and worldwide. In 2022, the global regenerative agricultural market was estimated at $8.1 billion, and it is projected to more than double to $21.03 billion by 2029 (BlueWeave Consulting, as reported by GlobeNewswire).

In 2017, regenerative leaders founded a non-profit called the Regenerative Organic Alliance. In 5 years, they’ve reported one million acres of regenerative organic certified agricultural land across 28 countries. This shift is not only coming from small, organic, progressive farmers but also big US corporations including Pepsi, Walmart, General Mills, Unilever, and Microsoft are making significant commitments to promote regenerative agriculture.

Self discovery

The Regenerative Organic Agriculture programs at Maharishi International University further emphasize the alignment of the individual with natural law to optimize one’s own potential as an agent for positive change in the world. As we search for solutions to perhaps the greatest challenge facing humanity, we acknowledge that the outer reflects the inner, and that we must start with cultivating a connection to the field of all possibilities as the underlying source for all solutions. Before starting the program, you’ll learn the Transcendental Meditation® technique for inner peace and wellness. Change begins within.

Courses may include

Online 5-month certificate:

    An overview of the certificate program and inner development. This course introduces students to the Science and Technology of Consciousness and Maharishi’s teachings with an emphasis on the relationship between the development of consciousness and the success of regenerative organic farmers. This course examines how creative intelligence displayed in every grain of creation arises in a systematic and sequential fashion from within that one basic universal field, along with establishing the importance of inner sustainability as a foundational element of outward prosperity. Students will learn the fundamental practice of transcendental meditation to access and utilize that universal field of intelligence to bring fulfillment to their own lives and to life on earth.
    This course acts as an introduction to the principles and practices that guide regenerative and organic farming systems with special consideration for the scientific reasoning and sociocultural justification behind their adoption. Students will explore foundational concepts in agronomy, ecology, and economic development to better understand the ecological and socioeconomic implications of different agricultural systems while further emphasizing the certification standards followed by regenerative and organic farmers. This course will culminate with students learning how to select and survey a site to be used for their portfolio project.
    This course provides an in-depth understanding of how to analyze, interpret, design, and manage soil and water systems for a regenerative landscape. Students will begin with learning the physical, chemical, and biological properties that determine soil and water quality and further explore different strategies and techniques that can be used to increase organic matter, build soil fertility, and improve the efficient use of water resources throughout your farm. Students will then apply what they’ve learned to develop a design and management strategy for their site that best responds to the unique conditions of their soil and water resources.
    This course provides practical knowledge in plant sciences while emphasizing a holistic approach to plant care that utilizes organic practices to optimize crop vitality. Students will develop a foundational understanding of plant physiology, anatomy, pathology, and preferred propagation with special consideration for vegetable and tree crops commonly used in farming systems. Upon the establishment of this foundational knowledge, students will learn design principles used in market gardening and agroforestry to create cropping systems that are diverse, productive, and require less maintenance over time. At the end of this course, students will work to apply these concepts to design a plant system for their site’s capstone project.
    This course provides students with a conceptual framework for animal husbandry with an emphasis on holistic management that includes a basic assessment of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, and bees as integral members of the farm landscape. Students will learn basic strategies for optimizing animal welfare that pays special attention to shelter requirements, feed preferences, and community standards while working to apply these concepts in the design and management of their own livestock system as a part of their capstone project.
    This course introduces basic concepts in fungal ecophysiology with an emphasis on the stages of cultivation involved in both indoor and outdoor mushroom farming. Students will begin with learning the basics of fungal anatomy and physiology in order to better understand how these scientific principles can be applied to ensure successful strategies for growing mushrooms. This course will culminate in students developing a plan for the design and management of their own mushroom cultivation system as a part of their capstone project.
    This course acts as the culmination of the learning experience in the certification program and includes an introduction to business concepts that can be utilized and applied to ensure economic viability as an integral part of your farm plan. Students will learn foundational concepts in marketing, operations, and finance with an emphasis on how to apply these principles to their specific capstone project. This course will finish with students creating a final comprehensive capstone project that includes a full site analysis and explains their proposed strategies for the design and management of their own regenerative, organic agricultural enterprise.

Optional additional on-campus month for US students:

    This fieldwork course acts in tandem with Field Practicum in Farm Maintenance I, expanding upon understanding and experience of the day-to-day maintenance of a farm. Students will integrate what they have learned about organic crop production and fertility management to assess and improve issues related to pest and disease pressure, irrigation, and weed management while continuing to collect and interpret field data that facilitates improved workflow and better environmental performance.

Field-Training Certificate (9-months, on-campus):

    An overview of the certificate program and inner development. This course introduces students to the Science and Technology of Consciousness and Maharishi’s teachings with an emphasis on the relationship between the development of consciousness and the success of regenerative organic farmers. This course examines how creative intelligence displayed in every grain of creation arises in a systematic and sequential fashion from within that one basic universal field, along with establishing the importance of inner sustainability as a foundational element of outward prosperity. Students will learn the fundamental practice of transcendental meditation to access and utilize that universal field of intelligence to bring fulfillment to their own lives and to life on earth.

    Regenerative Organic Agriculture is a systems-based approach to farming that leverages natural ecology to build soil, improve water efficiency, and increase biodiversity while emphasizing local food, feed, and fiber as the foundation of a strong community. This class acts as an introduction to the principles and practices involved in regenerative agriculture with an emphasis on organic certification, crop planning, and holistic farm management. This course provides students with the contextual knowledge and conceptual framework needed to understand and apply the various management strategies involved in regenerative and organic agriculture.
    This course will explore holistic management strategies and natural techniques used in regenerative farming systems. Students will partake in daily farm activities while learning fundamental concepts and applications used in Biodynamics®, Korean natural farming, Vedic agriculture, and livestock management with a special emphasis on ruminants, monogastric animals, and honeybee science.
    Permaculture Design is an attempt to rethink and redesign every aspect of human endeavor in terms of sustainability. In this course, you will learn about the principles, ethics, and scientific reasoning that guides permaculture design, along with how to apply it to homes, cities, and natural landscapes to increase energy efficiency. Students will engage with concepts and strategies for building soil health, maximizing water efficiency, and increasing biodiversity to foster the creation of diverse, resilient ecological systems. The course will culminate in a final comprehensive design project involving a real client, where you will work to perform site analysis and develop practical solutions for real-world design challenges. Upon successful completion of the course, students earn an internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate.
    The ability to analyze, build, and manage soil is a key component of Regenerative Agriculture. In this course, students will learn fundamental concepts in soil science relating to physical, chemical, and biological properties, along with instilling an awareness of soil as a natural basic resource. This class will involve fieldwork sessions where students gain experience in strategic garden bed preparation while developing technical skills for building soil fertility through the creation and application of compost, biochar, and other soil amendments.
    Combining an understanding of plant sciences with a holistic perspective towards crop management represents a foundational principle of regenerative, organic agriculture. This fieldwork course involves daily engagement in farm activities and combines experiential learning in greenhouse management, transplanting, field maintenance and harvesting with an in-depth understanding of horticultural sciences and organic crop maintenance. Students will learn the unique characteristics and considerations associated with different crops related to growth patterns, propagation techniques, lifespan, disease pressure, and pest management. This course culminates with students applying what they have learned through a final project.

    Understanding the tasks and routines involved in day-to-day field management is crucial to the success of any farmer. In this fieldwork course, students will assist in the daily maintenance of on farm activities with an emphasis on organic strategies for crop production and fertility management. Students will learn how to identify and remediate issues related to pest and disease pressure, irrigation, and weed management while simultaneously collecting field data that facilitates improved workflow and better environmental performance throughout the agricultural landscape.
    This fieldwork course acts in tandem with Field Practicum in Farm Maintenance I and provides students with an opportunity to oversee and manage the day-to-day maintenance of a specific field plot at the university farm. Students will integrate what they have learned about organic crop production and fertility management to assess and improve issues related to pest and disease pressure, irrigation, and weed management while continuing to collect and interpret field data that facilitates improved workflow and better environmental performance. Students will be evaluated based on their ability to maintain and improve their designated field plot as it relates to crop vitality, soil health, data collection, and record keeping.
    Sustainable business management is an attempt to execute triple bottom line performance in business through social responsibility, environmental stewardship, and economic viability. In this course, students will partake in daily farm activities while exploring concepts in sustainable metrics, finance, and lean management to determine operational strategies that foster continuous improvement and ensure a balanced approach towards people, the planet, and profits. This course will culminate in a final project in which students will create an enterprise budget report for a specific farm crop that combines an assessment of its economic and ecological impact, along with suggestions for improved future performance.
    This course represents the culmination of the learning experience in the regenerative organic agriculture program and provides students with an opportunity to create a comprehensive plan for the design, development, and maintenance of their own regenerative, organic farm. Students will be provided with personalized instruction to help determine their goals for the course and work to create a plan of action that includes a holistic, systems-based farm design, a plan for multi-phase development, and an assessment of the management strategies they will employ to build soil, increase biodiversity, and create positive impact within their local community. This course functions as the capstone project for students completing the Regenerative Organic Agriculture module.

Featured faculty

steve mclaskey

Steve McLaskey, PhDAssociate Professor of Horticulture

steve mclaskey

Steve received his PhD in horticulture from Cornell University in 1997 and has spent over 25 years farming vegetables in the Midwest. Steve brings a wealth of experience and wisdom to the ROA team with his extensive knowledge in plant physiology, pest, and disease identification, biodynamic applications, and organic certification. He is also one of the lead organizers for the farm’s operational management and cropping strategy.


Kris Johnson, MSAdjunct Instructor of Regenerative Organic Agriculture 


Kris is a 4th generation Iowa farmer and manager at MIU’s Regenerative Organic Farm. Growing up on his family farm outside of Fairfield, crop production, animal husbandry, and equipment operation/maintenance were normal parts of his day-to-day life. Kris earned his MS in Regenerative Organic Agriculture after majoring in environmental science and sociology. He worked on organic farms and then started his own, Market Garden. He has extensive experience in machine maintenance, greenhouse operations, market gardening, and soil management.

Tyler Wilfley

Tyler Wilfley, MBAProgram Director, Instructor of Sustainable Business

Tyler Wilfley

Tyler is an experienced coordinator with a background in permaculture design, financial management, and sustainable community development. His past experience as a program manager in Northern Thailand included projects in permaculture design, eco-friendly infrastructure, and wildlife conservation. Tyler graduated summa cum laude from Illinois State University with a BA in Philosophy and received the outstanding student award for his MBA in Sustainable Business from Maharishi International University.

Cost, 2024-25

US Online Certificate in Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Semester cost (5 months)
Federal financial aid is not available for this certificate program but is available for the BA in Regenerative Organic Agriculture. Private student loans are a possible source of support for this certificate program.

Tuition, other fees, scholarships, and financial policies are subject to change prior to the entry date. For more information, contact us at for a quick reply — normally one business day — or see more about financial aid.

International Online Certificate in Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Semester cost (5 months)

Tuition, other fees, scholarships, and financial policies are subject to change prior to the entry date.

US On-Campus Certificate in Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Cost (9 months)
Tuition and fees$11,530
Housing (single room) and meals$7,400
Federal financial aid is not available for this certificate program but is available for the BA in Regenerative Organic Agriculture. Private student loans are a possible source of support for this certificate program.

Tuition, other fees, scholarships, and financial policies are subject to change prior to the entry date. For more information, contact us at for a quick reply — normally one business day — or see more about financial aid.

International On-Campus Certificate in Regenerative Organic Agriculture

Cost (9 months)
Tuition and fees$11,530
Housing (single room) and meals$7,400
Health insurance (estimate)$1,992
Personal expenses, books, unexpected needs$3,000

Tuition, other fees, scholarships, and financial policies are subject to change prior to the entry date.

(R)evolution webinar series

Deep conversations with leaders regenerating the world

In these twice-monthly conversations, we speak with some of the leading figures in creating a healthy, safe, thriving, and socially just world. We learn about their work, and we ask them: What needs to change, at the deepest level, to bring about the transformations we need?

Speakers have included:

  • Dr. Rattan Lal — the first researcher to demonstrate that regenerative agriculture can address the climate crisis and other major global challenges; winner of the 2020 World Food Prize Watch ➡︎
  • Temple Grandin — world-renowned expert in animal welfare and autism. Watch ➡︎
  • Dr. Tim LaSalle — past CEO of the Rodale Institute and a global champion of regenerative agriculture. Watch ➡︎
  • Alex Pryor — co-founded Guayaki Sustainable Rainforest Products in 1996, a major beverage company based on yerba mate tea that is devoted to regenerative agriculture. Watch ➡︎

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