Upanishads in the Light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge, Part Two

“The Upanishads are so inspiring. It is obvious when you study the Upanishads that it is supreme wisdom taking the form of conversations and stories that reveal the true nature of Brahm, Totality.” — Dr. Vernon Katz
Course Structure: This is an online self-study course, to be taken at your convenience. Videos are available to view for at least one year after signing up.
Course Leader: Peter Warburton, PhD
Course Fee: $75 discounted price for everyone during this time of the coronavirus (or $45 for those who have already taken this course in the UK).
First Lesson is Free: View here.
Prerequisite: TM-Sidhi® course, or TM® course plus some familiarity with the terms and concepts used in Maharishi’s Total Knowledge would be helpful. Please note that the Upanishads, Part One course is not a prerequisite.
Course Description
“Christ said, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.’ Buddha gave the message of Nirvana. The Upanishads speak of the same sat-chit-ananda, eternal bliss consciousness, that is your own Self.” – Maharishi
“He who knows this Brahman, the supreme, the immortal,
set in the cave of the heart, my gentle friend,
cuts the knot of ignorance in this very life.” — Muṇdaka Upanishad
सत्यमेव जयते “Truth alone triumphs” — Muṇdaka Upanishad
We are excited to announce the new 12-lesson course, Upanishads, Part Two, in which Dr. Peter Warburton reveals the wisdom embodied in the Muṇdaka, Māṇdūkya, and Shvetāshvatara Upanishads on the ground of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge.
This unique course comprises:
- The systematic exposition of Total Knowledge contained in the Upanishads
- Historic footage of Maharishi talking about the Upanishads
- Insights and stories from archival treasures of Dr. Vernon Katz and also Tom Egenes
- Exposition of Maharishi’s favorite verses from the Upanishads
- Pronunciation and recitation of key verses
- Possibly a guest appearance with Dr. Katz
(58- Five Stars; 6 – Four Stars; 0 – Three Stars; 0 – Two Stars; 0 – One Star)
“Of all the WPAs and resident courses I have taken over the last 50 years, the Total Knowledge courses, especially the Upanishads course, which was taken remotely from my own living room, have provided the deepest and most profound experiences. It’s amazing that a course taken remotely can give so much experience of the unboundedness. The Upanishads 1 & 2 are courses that you don’t want to miss. My experiences in my daily practice of the TM-Sidhis were raised to a higher level.” —RH
“Expansion of experience & knowledge of Vedas’ ‘secrets of Life’. My enchantment in everyday life is much expanded. Joyful.” —PN
“Any course taught by Raja Peter, and supplemented in any way by Dr. Egenes and Dr. Katz, is a MUST for anyone who has any interest in expanding their knowledge and awareness of consciousness. I’m very excited about beginning the next course with Raja Peter.” —JL
“This course provides a fine mix of experiences in each lesson: hearing the Upanishads chanted by pundits, practice in speaking selected verses from the Upanishads (many are ones Maharishi talked about over the years), reciting the Sanskrit verses with the guidance of a pundit, hearing Maharishi on various tapes (he was talking about the Upanishads right from the early years!), noticing experiences resulting from hearing the Upanishads, and then a deep group meditation. Perfect balance. Sometimes when listening to the pundits, I felt just as I did in Maharishi’s presence — a powerful sense of silence, safety, and all is as it should be.” —SL
“Practical and educational. Raja Peter is a great teacher. Very pleasant people and experience.” —MP
“As with all Raja Peter’s courses, I feel gently shepherded along the path.” —AR
“This course is interactive, immediate, intimate, with back and forth on impressions, experiences, reflections, recitations of the Upanishads. And the course is also multidimensional. We have not only Raja Peter to lead us, but also hear from Maharishi’s beautiful videos and video of Vernon Katz and Tom Egenes in blissful reminisces on translating the verses of the Upanishads. You come to own it.” —AM
“Blissful; extremely informative; nature support will follow.” —CB
“Such a fine introduction to the Upanishads, and a lot of fun in listening to and speaking the Sanskrit recitations. There is bliss to be had in taking this course!” —AB
“Enlivens understanding of Vedic knowledge.” —CM
“This course is an advanced technique. Do it.” —GF
“This wonderful course has really helped me to recognize the glimpses of God/Unity Consciousness experiences that I have had in my life. Studying the Upanishads also brings more of those experiences in my meditations and in daily life.” —MA
“This course enlivens awareness of Maharishi’s teaching through the years and illuminates that Maharishi’s teaching is Upanishadic knowledge. Raja Peter’s stories connect Total Knowledge to Maharishi’s speech and projects. The course illumines every other tape or talk I hear each day, bringing to the surface the depths of Maharishi’s teaching that we most recently heard in Raja Peter’s classes.” —JW
“An uplifting experiential overview of the principle Upanishads. Mutual participation in reciting various poignant verses and excellent questions brought out subtle points in Maharishi’s teachings, clearly elucidated by Raja Peter from his decades of experience working so closely with Maharishi. I loved seeing how this advanced class had been structured by Maharishi a decade and more back — almost without anyone knowing about it!” —JS
“If you want to deepen your understanding and experience of MMY knowledge, this course is extremely valuable.” —AA
“An in-depth, informal, intimate study of the verbal and written texts of the Upanishads, guided by Peter’s 35 years of experience with Maharishi.” —MH
“So wonderful: pandits chanting; learning Sanskrit phrases; Maharishi tapes; Tom and Vernon discussions; Raja Peter reading the Upanishads, leading us in group TM. Heaven on Earth!” —SL
“Raja Peter’s sharing of Maharishi’s knowledge of the Upanishads with Sanskrit recitations and a thoughtful text and commentary by Drs. Katz and Egenes is a valuable guide on the path to enlightenment.” —JL
“The combination of Vedic readings and recitations, along with viewing and discussion of rare videos of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, keeps this course lively and enlightening.” —SA
“Part recitation of the Sanskrit words, part bathing in the enlivening effect of hearing the pundits recite the Veda, part discussion of enlightening and thought-provoking Vedic text, ending with powerful group meditation — 100% immersion with an enlightened teacher into knowledge of the Self and its connectedness with everything of existence!” —TL
“The course is a wonderful introduction to the Upanishads in light of Maharishi’s teachings. We were fortunate to read and have comments on both Vernon Katz and Tom Egenes’s book on the Upanishads and Raja Peter’s collection of Maharishi’s favorite Upanishad quotes. Reading the Upanishads with Maharishi and the pundits as guides was blissful. The course structure was very enlivening.” —RD
“Really wonderful! A profound and holistic experience in gaining knowledge and understanding of the Upanishads.” —JW
“Reading the Upanishads and listening to the pandits, I feel my memory has improved, and my meditation is better and deeper” —NZ
“This was a very fulfilling course and I would recommend it to anyone with an interest in Vedic Science. In order to have the experience of the Unity that underlies the diversity of creation one has to gain the intellectual understanding of the concept first.” —DF
“Interesting, but not very relevant to my experience. I do not have any of the experiences others are describing.” —Anon
“It brings one closer and closer to more enlightened thinking, feeling, and acting. Like an advanced technique.” —PM
“This course is pure joy! It is the epitome of enlightened education: profound knowledge, sharing of personal experiences, lively question/answer sessions, stimulating lectures and stories, precious tapes of Maharishi … all offered and directed by Dr. Peter Warburton, a Master Vedic Scholar who personally assisted Maharishi for 36 years. I feel eternal gratitude for being part of this wonderful opportunity. For me, it has been amazingly life-changing!” —CM
“Life-changing, divine, and blissful! Every class was truly fulfilling.” —CB
“The rhythm of the classes are akin to a monastic rhythm. While chanting with the pundits, I love to listen to where the words come from. My ambient sorrow for the suffering of the world becomes deeper.” —KD
“Like all the others, it is great for overall well-being. Wonderful company to be in. Fantastic opportunity to be under the tutelage of a brilliantly kind, gentle, and sweet professor with a razor-sharp intellect and rich history with Maharishi and his knowledge.” —VM
“A knowledge that is deeper than any other, and that you will not find anywhere else. It will accompany you wherever you go, whatever you do. It is more than philosophy, it is not speculation. It is the experience of the song and poem of the absolute, which is nothing but bliss and intelligence.” —AM
“Very blissful. Programs are deeper and more lively.” —AR
“Knowledge and experience of the Upanishads is given. And I like the group meditation immediately after the lesson – it is more settled.” —Anon
“An inspiring immersion in the Truth” —Anon
“What a beautiful course! In each lesson you will immerse yourself in the deep silence of wholeness. You will listen, recite, read, and discuss the Upanishads with Raja Peter Warburton. Raja Peter leads the courses with sweet, deep silence and wisdom. Paul Glossop helps with the course and introduces Raja Peter in each lesson with great bliss and twinkling. Raja Peter and Paul make a sweet connection to the course participants by mentioning their names and reading their comments during the course. There is an opportunity for the course participants to share homework by video during each class. The course participants add richness and support to each class by their probing questions and sharing of experiences.
By the end of each lesson you will be floating in the silence of Brahman.
“And the nicest thing is that when the course is over, there is another one you can take in a few weeks, as Raja Peter continues to develop new courses.” —LN
“This course is a rasayana and a very significant aid to evolution.” —SV
“This course is like a space-travel to infinity, which will show you the beauty and understanding of the most tender and most catapulted expressed universe in which we live.” —SO
“The book for this course A New Translation – The Upanishads, is overflowing with wisdom and reassurances of eternal bliss. Reading this enchanting book in the context of this course makes it come alive even more and increases understanding through experiencing both the words and the melodies that radiate from within its covers. The instructor engages students to share questions, insights, and experiences that enhance the value of the course, which creates a unified course climate that is heartwarming.” —MC
“A wave of joy yesterday when Raja Peter said he got excited before each of our classes! Me, too. I plan my week around them, looking forward to each one, as if I have an exciting secret rendezvous with burgeoning consciousness and knowledge! They feel secret because the experiences are so intimate. But in reality, I tell everyone I know about the astonishing power of these classes, so creatively and carefully balanced to nurture growing enlightenment. My first was the Brahma Sutras course in March. I’m looking forward to catching up by taking the first four TK courses sometime, when I can fit them in. And I’ll keep taking the live courses whenever they are given, to enjoy the infusion of Maharishi’s wisdom in all its purity, offered so freely and blissfully by kind, intelligent, devoted, generous Raja Peter.” —PW
“Deep insights and experiences of the ancient Vedic Upanishads of India.” —JM
“A plunge into the nature of Unity Consciousness thru chanting sounds of pundits, pronouncing the Sanskrit, study of the translation of the Upanishads, discussion and videos of Maharishi and also Vernon Katz and Tom Egenes.” —TT
“That I’ve been waiting all my life for these Pure Knowledge offerings. As a lifelong Meditator and Sidha, I found myself so, so ready to receive this Knowledge, and in the manner in which it is presented — easy and convenient. The integration of specific and relevant talks by MAHARISHI was brilliant. These courses are life-changing for me. Raja Peter’s stories were exceptional.” —AT
“Often during the course, especially when the verses were read, I felt the upsurge of ecstasy within.” —HS
“This is a graceful, highly rewarding and enjoyable course taught by someone who knows and knows not. The course and the Upanishads feel both very familiar and very new. Thanks to Raja Peter I feel more at home with the Upanishads, which helps to integrate my experiences. Jai Guru Dev.” —JM
“Excellent course. Beautiful deep knowledge of the structure and unity of consciousness.” —DJ
“Yet another grand-slam perfect course by Dr. Peter Warburton. He guided us through so many aspects, step by step, sharing his knowledge and insights. He has taken the master’s knowledge and unfolded it, petal by petal, to reveal its essence. And he does it in his kindest and most eloquent manner. If you are looking for personal and profound growth, attend this course.” —RS
“Attending this course is a very powerful advanced technique. It reveals the most secret teachings from Maharishi, Guru Dev, and the Holy Tradition. Enlightening in every way.” —CM
“Eye-opening, refreshing, and stress-relieving. I think it is the combination of listening to the pundits, meditating, and hearing the clarity of Raja Peter’s guidance from Maharishi.” —DE
“The course gives me growing insights into the real nature of life. It gives me possibilities to be more master of my decisions. The course is all about the knowledge of Maharishi. Every lecture gives a positive impulse for my development, making me more happy and thankful.” —GB
“It was not only very educational, but also very blissful. Out of all the courses I’ve done, this was the most enjoyable. I always looked forward to the next lesson. Thank you, Raja Peter.” —GW
“Revealing the secret to living your life to 200% fullness.” —JL
“The course, even though philosophical in nature, steps beyond what would be called top-down learning, where if you don’t understand you will lose the benefits or knowledge. The Upanishads reach out to everyone, especially with the help and understanding of our teacher, the interactions of the students, and the course materials. This is a course for you, especially for where you are in life right now. Do not wait. Start now. Wake up! in the words of the Upanishads.” —KA
“A second exploration of the Upanishads and their pointing to our essential nature.” —DB
“Learn TM first and then dive into the study of the Upanishads. The course fueled my interest and regularity of studying and practicing TM meditation.” —MG
“I read the Upanishads fifty years ago in college, about the time I started TM. After this course, I now know what they’re talking about.” —JG
“Insights into some fundamental issues.” —Anon
“Profound experience of the knowledge.” —Anon
“Excellent background to Maharishi’s teaching.” —Anon
Course Leader

Peter Warburton, PhD
Dr. Peter Warburton currently oversees the Transcendental Meditation® organization in several countries, including the UK, Bulgaria, UAE, and Zambia. He has a Master’s Degree in social and political sciences from Cambridge University and a doctorate in Supreme Political Science from Maharishi University of World Peace.
Dr. Warburton worked closely with Maharishi, Founder of the Transcendental Meditation technique, for 36 years. Maharishi personally trained Dr. Warburton to offer courses in Total Knowledge, which present the full range of Maharishi’s knowledge in a delightful manner that requires no special prerequisite other than practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique.
In more normal times, Dr. Warburton travels extensively to teach Maharishi’s Total Knowledge in many parts of the globe. These courses are in great demand internationally – from Australasia, to Asia, to Europe, and to North America.
Are there any prerequisites to take this course?
This is an advanced course for TM Teachers and graduates of the TM-Sidhi course, plus those Meditators who have a familiarity and comfort with many of the terms and concepts used in Maharishi’s Total Knowledge. The Upanishads in the Light of Maharishi’s Total Knowledge is not a prerequisite for this course.
Will I receive CE credit for this course?
Upon completion of this course, participants who would like a Certificate of Completion and 1.5 units of CE credit will receive them.
How long are the videos available to view?
Videos are available to view for at least one year after signing up.
Where can I contact the organizer of this event with any questions?
Please email the Office of Continuing Education at ce@miu.edu. Or you can call 641-919-0045 during office hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 am – noon and 1:00 – 4:00 pm (Central Time).
What is the refund policy?
We offer full refunds to anyone who requests them before starting the third class.